The romance is.whoo boy it's heated and hot and I fucking loved it. And the good thing is that this is mentioned so much! Like, that was Me when read about the world building and whatever. When Sorcha met them she was so amazed and heart eyes and I felt that. It was so magical and beautiful to read about it all. Oh my god, I can literally go on and on about how fucking amazing Sorcha is, but we need to talk about the world building and the beautiful Irish mythology!!! There are so many creatures in this book!!! Fae, gnomes, dwarves, pixies, mermaids/mermen, half whale and half female whale creatures, to magical horses and so much more. She knows what she has to do to get what she wants and she does not let people walk over her and demand things of her. She's a kind woman who treats the lesser Fae with respect and manners and always wants to help those in need. Sorcha might not be physically strong and able to slice fuckers with a sword, but that doesn't make her character any less Strong or Badass. She's also such a strong minded and clever character. If they request you leave, then you remove yourself. You must ask a woman if you may enter her abode and, when granted approval, you may do so. “I would dare much, sir, against a man who seemingly does not understand boundaries. She never let piece of shit man to stop her from pursuing her career or dream as a healer nor stop them from doing what she wants.ĪND SHE DIDN'T FALL FOR A ""HANDSOME"" GUY WITH A SHIT PERSONALITY!!! Raise your hand if you're tired of girls going mush for handsome guy with a disgusting personality? Don't worry this doesn't happen in this book!!! In the beginning there's this oh so handsome, sexy, take-my-panties-off-daddy guy who is sexist as fuck and was telling Sorcha to just marry him and stop thinking about being a healer because OH it's not job for a woman!!!! But our girl here brushed him tf off and told him to fuck off whenever he tried making a move on her. In a time period where women are expected to marry, stay home, and have children, Sorcha spoke up against sexist men and voiced her thoughts and opinions. She can ask me to get the moon for her and I FUCKING WOULD (i would probably die but whatever). I'm deadass a love struck lil boi when it comes to Sorcha. She's a fucking Queen and I'm so head over heels in love with her. She's the most kind, strong, clever, loving and loyal person. And so she goes on a quest to Ireland, or island of Hy Brasil, to find a banished prince. Sorcha is desperate to find a cure and crosses path with the Fae with who she makes a bargain with. In her town, the plague of black beetles is growing worse and worse and threatening to take her father's life. Sorcha is a healer and mid wife in her town, Uí Néill, where she lives with her father and sisters in their brothel. The romance had me screaming with feels and all the characters in this book are so wonderful that I just want to wrap them all up in warm blankets.

From the beginning to the end I was so mesmerized by the gorgeous writing and world building in this book. Or do you turn against the state and expose corruption.I'm so shook by how beautifully written, gorgeous and utterly magical this book is. Work your way up the ladder by scheming against employees, spying on your boss, and completing paperwork. You are an intern at the central ministry of a totalitarian state with your whole career ahead of you. It is the second entry in the Beholder series. Beholder 2 is a game developed by Warm Lamp Games and published by Alawar Entertainment.